Thursday, August 19, 2010

darkness and clasical music

So as the title implies I am sitting here in darkness and listening to clasical music. Why am I doing this you may ask. There reson for that is because I have nothing to do. Both because i have beaten everything and because I am too lazy to do something that might actually be worth my time. The only other thing I could be doing is watching random anime. But I do not know if that would actually help right now. Why is this a problem for me not having anything to do? Because when I am not doing anything I sit and think. Currently all I can think of is the future and it is unpleasant. That is why I want something to do. SCII turned out to be unsatisfying. The storyline was interesting but I cannot play that game for so long with out loosing interest. I do not know if it is because I have lost interest in RTS or SciFi or what but I just did not get into the game. I was thinking about WOW but it does not work on my computer and I think I could only play it for so long with out getting board with it. And with school coming up soon who knows how much time im going to have. Maybe all of this will go away once school starts up again. On the plus side it is always getting closer to NDK. But things will just go back to the same old shit once that is over. But the main point of this bog was to state that the future does not look pleasant and it bothers me. And that I need to find something to do or get off my ass so I can stop thinking about the future. I do not know where this is going so im going to stop.

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