Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fucking Intellectual Battle

So I have been doing a lot of research for my classes this semester and Journal Articles are bullshit. Most of them are responses to other peoples articles where they write about what they think was wrong with the other persons article and depending on the person give their own opinion on the topic. This is how university professors do battle. This is just dumb. No one needs to read a 50 page article about how you disagree with someone else. If you want to say you disagree with someone say it in one to two pages and then write your own opinion. You do not prove anything by only pointing out someones faults. The more important part is providing your own work. It should not be that hard to find an article on a subject but no it is because Journal Articles are almost all there to try and prove that someone else is wrong not to try and inform the people of what happened or other facts just bullshit. Just this person is wrong I am great for pointing it out with some shit to back it up, but more importantly he is wrong and I pointed it out. I guess if you want to read something about something else you have to read a book or do the work yourself and find the primary documents. But if you did this be prepared for people to say that you interpreted the primary documents wrong and thus you are wrong and I pointed it out so I am great. Yea this is the Intellectual Battle field. Not that much different from anyone else are they. Everyone is just really dumb. Now that I have written this better prepare for battle. Luckily I know the answer is always slash. Actions speak loader than words.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Day in the Life Part 1.

One of my friends does this on his blog and I had a great idea for mine so here it is.
Angle: hey guys its me Angle.
Wolverine(aside): God damn it not him again.
Rogue(aside): Yea he is completely useless. All he can do is fly. Hell I can do that and I have super strength and the ability to steal others powers. I mean come on flight is such a common power its like no one cares.
Wolverine: sorry angle can you come back later we are kind of busy.
Angle: oh a fight I can help.
All: Way to go Angle, Nightcrawler is dead now. Everything was going just fine till you showed up. Seriously what the fuck were you thinking.
Angle: You guys will see I will make my self useful.
Angle: Hey guys what do you think now I have gone Emo. My wings are now made of metal and I can use my feathers as projectiles. That's cool right.
Wolverine: How do you not get it no one cares about you Angle. Seriously if you do not leave I will kill you my self we cannot afford to lose another member of the team because of your incompetence.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Handing out Titles

One thing that I have noticed lately is that they are starting to spread the classic rock title to bands that only criteria is that they have rock music and are 20+ years old. Seriously leave the 90's out of classic rock. It is fine if a band who is formally in the classic rock period is still putting out music and it is being played. This is fine. There is more to classic rock than just it is old rock. It was more of a period thing. When it came out it had its own general keep it there. Alternative is alternative not alternative classic rock. Stop just throwing that title around. The genera is defined stop adding shit to it. If I wanted to listen to alternative rock I would listen to an alternative rock station. I listen to classic rock because that is what I want to hear I stopped caring about alternative rock in the 90s.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Thought about Simplicity

So I got board last night and somehow ended up looking for ed edd n eddy clips and found this one . Just thought it was really funny. Any way just was thinking what happened to the simple time. I do not think that I would ever want to go back to the simple times it is great simply being able to do what ever I want but sometimes simplicity is good. Idk just a thought.

Friday, November 11, 2011

This is LOXODON!

This is the greatest fantasy race ever created. Huge lawful elephants. Some have tried peace others have tried war neither were successful.