I am going to break down the times of my life and compare it to historical eras
1987-2000 Pre-History
This is the time of life where nothing is really going on. All you have is establishment of existence and survivability. This is where you get my childhood. Here I lived but that is really the only thing that happened. It was not a bad time but I would not really consider it a thoughtful one. More of like figuring out how to exist in the world not master it. This would be like caveman times to Egyptian society. Cave men are there and living but there is really not any great achievements everything is more about how to survive life. It is also a very long period of time. It end with the beginning of civilization. Kind of like the early establishments of friendship. It is a more advanced form of life but not quite there yet.
2001-2007 Classical Era
This would be the second year of middle school through the first year after high school. This is when thought began to from. This is when life moved from survival to thinking about how life and the world around me works. The old group of friends had stayed where they were and I had moved to a new one. The historical period would be from Greece to Rome. And just like the fall of Rome this too will end in a fall into darkness.
2007-2008(9) The Medieval Era (Dark Age)
This period would be the sundering of the group and the fall into the council of four. Like the Dark Age this period was a bid for power and a struggle of ideas. It is funny to think that this only lasted one to two years because it felt a lot longer almost like a thousand years of darkness.
2008(9)-2009(10) The Renaissance Era
This time was intertwined with the Dark Age. It was post sundering and the council of three. This was a time of great knowledge. There was no longer a power struggle or a clash of ideas. Also though this period was one to two years it seemed like a long time. This may be because the Dark Age and the Renaissance where kind of like a four year period of on and off again reason and Darkness. The biggest difference is the end of the power struggle and the switch from the council of four to the council of three. Those are the things that separate the Dark Age from the Renaissance.
2009(10)-2010(11) The Enlightenment/Scientific Revolution
This is when we made some of our biggest breakthroughs in thought after the cap of the Renaissance and the shift of the focus of thought. It is the point when the basement days ended and the beginning of the apartment days.
2011-? Industrial Revolution?
I am not sure if we have reached the industrial revolution yet or if we are still in the Enlightenment. It feels to me as though the industrial revolution would be setting up the tools and gathering the resources to master the world. It seems that if we are not there yet but will be there shortly.
? Modern Era
This is when we actually start to master the world. Who knows if we will get this far or if we become successful. We might die here or before we get here.
? Post Modern Era
This is when we have mastered the world and either go back to the metaphysical discussion that we left behind or are too cynical to care about anything anymore because the world is a joke.
I'm sure the people who lived through this with me might have a clearer idea about the dates I proposed but I think that I got fairly close.
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