Monday, April 16, 2012

A Kindred Spirt

So I have been reading Neverwinter 2 latley and there is one character that is like a copy of my soul. This would be Entreri also know as Barrabus the Grey. The warrior assassin with an internal struggle. How should one live the life they have and what is important. I am not going to go into the struggle if you want to know read all of the Drizzt books plus The Road of the Patriarch serious.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pro Players STFU

I like it how pro players are "so good" that they do not know how to adapt to not having a team behind them. They just do not get that the game is completely different at a professional level than at the pub level. So when pro players try to pub they get their ass kicked. This leads to them getting pissed at everyone else on their team for not playing at a professional level, and it is never the fact that they do not know how to play without a team. If you are a pro player playing at pub level then shut the fuck up and just play the damn game.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Baby, A Monster.

I am like the wolf in sheep's clothing. To the average sheep I look like and act like a sheep. But really I am a wolf to those that can truly see. What brought this on is I was playing League and once again I destroyed a game with Cho'gath. Went 10/2/15. Also I play a decent Trundle if I can lain without getting yelled at or jungle, this I do not do because I have no idea what to do if I get counter jungled. Makes me want to see how well I could play Kogmaw. Just a side note people who play normal blind pick seriously should be banded. They can play it seriously if they want but they should shut up about it. If you want to play league seriously play ranked or shut up. Likewise people who do not play ranked seriously should be band and stay out of rank. Anyways back to the main point my monstrosity. Really I fit in well with the monster crowd. When it came down to it I think I would be Gruul because i do not care enough about my own ambition or power to be black mana, and white and blue do not have enough monster in them. So there it is.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


So I started this blog one hundred posts and about two years ago. If you look back things are quite the same. I would like to take you back to that first post where I posted some simple truths of the world. All of which still hold to this day. So here they are.
1. The answer is slash.
2. If you do not like sake then there is something wrong with you.
3. The world is a hell scape of doubt.
4. Listening to some people will get you hurt.
5. The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty.
6. Life is a test.
7. Humans are horrible and hilarious things.

Not only does all of this still hold true when I started this blog I was playing Dragon Age. Which is where the answer is slash came from. Today I am playing Dragon Age 2. I have already restarted once because I did not like the theme/atmosphere of my first try. I am liking this one more than I liked the first. It seems more well done and the talent system is much better. Anyways watch this.
And in the end always keep in mind, you know what good.