Sunday, March 6, 2011


Ok so why is society still so obsessed with the morning. I understand where the practace comes from. People only had so much daylight to work with and could not do much without it. In the modern world why is it still this way. Get out of the dark ages we have electicity. The business world should begin around noon and end at like eight. This will make things a lot better for everyone. All that would be requried would be for people to change their way of life. Even if they did not they could still get up at the crack of dawn and enjoy their morning instead of rushing to work and waisting their day. Then people could also enjoy the night instead of having to go to bed at like ten. All the system creates is a division between the young and the old it does not really help anyone. The old go to bed earlie and get more sleep while the young stay up while the old are assleep and then they dont get as much sleep as the old and spend half the day half asleep. Then everyone gets mad when they spend half of their weekend sleeping. Who knows how things will change or if they will.

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