I have been playing a lot of Shogun 2 latley and it got me thinking abot the fantasy class system. That and this reacurring dream where I am on a train and there is this guy doing something increadibly stupic and obnocsious. I end up in the thought process of if only there was some way for me to kill him and then a lance appears in my hand like some kind of supernatural entity wants me to kill him as well. So I end up pircing in the heart. In the end the only thing I can think of is why is the weapon always a lance. Both of these got me to thinking about the system. For those of you that don't know the system it comes down to three types of people Combatants, Specialists formally known as Stealth Classes, and Magic Users. Then you have hybrids who try and do two or three of these ideas at the same time. That is not to say that a paladin is a hybrid. Paladins are primarily combatants they just use magic for the sake of agmenting their combat. A hybrid would be like a cleric. Clerics try to both fight people with weapons and blast people with magical energies. They are trying to do two things at the same time.
The conclution that I ended up at is that both Combatants and Spectialists split into three subcatigories. Combatants can be split into defensive, offensive, and shock troops. Defensive and offensive should be self explanitory. Shock troops are overly offensive. They are more brutal and more there to do damage to the moral of other side than actuall damage to the other side. Spectialists split into assassin, archers, and Riders for lack of a better term. Assassins are there to eliminate a selected target. They go in kill there target or acomplish their task and move on. Archers supply ranged support for the main army focus firing and eliminating targets. They also have low lvl scermishing ability. Riders would be the calvary of the army. They focus on hit and run tactics. Their greatest ability is speed and there job is to herd the people on the outside of the main force and drive them into the combatants. Magic users do not break down because they are all the same. They all bend the world around them to get the results that they want. The differences is the flavor of what they cast and how they gain their power. As for me I like to think of myself as an assassin.
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