Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Life of Eras

I am going to break down the times of my life and compare it to historical eras
1987-2000 Pre-History
This is the time of life where nothing is really going on. All you have is establishment of existence and survivability. This is where you get my childhood. Here I lived but that is really the only thing that happened. It was not a bad time but I would not really consider it a thoughtful one. More of like figuring out how to exist in the world not master it. This would be like caveman times to Egyptian society. Cave men are there and living but there is really not any great achievements everything is more about how to survive life. It is also a very long period of time. It end with the beginning of civilization. Kind of like the early establishments of friendship. It is a more advanced form of life but not quite there yet.
2001-2007 Classical Era
This would be the second year of middle school through the first year after high school. This is when thought began to from. This is when life moved from survival to thinking about how life and the world around me works. The old group of friends had stayed where they were and I had moved to a new one. The historical period would be from Greece to Rome. And just like the fall of Rome this too will end in a fall into darkness.
2007-2008(9) The Medieval Era (Dark Age)
This period would be the sundering of the group and the fall into the council of four. Like the Dark Age this period was a bid for power and a struggle of ideas. It is funny to think that this only lasted one to two years because it felt a lot longer almost like a thousand years of darkness.
2008(9)-2009(10) The Renaissance Era
This time was intertwined with the Dark Age. It was post sundering and the council of three. This was a time of great knowledge. There was no longer a power struggle or a clash of ideas. Also though this period was one to two years it seemed like a long time. This may be because the Dark Age and the Renaissance where kind of like a four year period of on and off again reason and Darkness. The biggest difference is the end of the power struggle and the switch from the council of four to the council of three. Those are the things that separate the Dark Age from the Renaissance.
2009(10)-2010(11) The Enlightenment/Scientific Revolution
This is when we made some of our biggest breakthroughs in thought after the cap of the Renaissance and the shift of the focus of thought. It is the point when the basement days ended and the beginning of the apartment days.
2011-? Industrial Revolution?
I am not sure if we have reached the industrial revolution yet or if we are still in the Enlightenment. It feels to me as though the industrial revolution would be setting up the tools and gathering the resources to master the world. It seems that if we are not there yet but will be there shortly.
? Modern Era
This is when we actually start to master the world. Who knows if we will get this far or if we become successful. We might die here or before we get here.
? Post Modern Era
This is when we have mastered the world and either go back to the metaphysical discussion that we left behind or are too cynical to care about anything anymore because the world is a joke.
I'm sure the people who lived through this with me might have a clearer idea about the dates I proposed but I think that I got fairly close.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Why Man Chick Villains?

One thing Japan needs to stop with the man chick villains. Why is this a thing? Was playing skyward sword and the "villain" is a Man chick. Just make it one or the other. Man chicks are not menacing so stop it. It has to be a cultural thing. So for the sake of everyone just stop this trend.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I have just finished my Senior Theses for my bachelors degree and pending I do not fail any classes I will graduate. Though this is done I feel as though I have accomplished nothing. I barley tried and got out with like a 3.1. I got a history degree so I cannot do anything without more schooling. So I have to go back to school or get one of those jobs that only require a degree to get. I am going to spend some time off to try and figure this out so that is what I am going to be doing as long as I pass all of my classes. I might just get buff and learn to fight. That could be fun. IDK.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fucking Intellectual Battle

So I have been doing a lot of research for my classes this semester and Journal Articles are bullshit. Most of them are responses to other peoples articles where they write about what they think was wrong with the other persons article and depending on the person give their own opinion on the topic. This is how university professors do battle. This is just dumb. No one needs to read a 50 page article about how you disagree with someone else. If you want to say you disagree with someone say it in one to two pages and then write your own opinion. You do not prove anything by only pointing out someones faults. The more important part is providing your own work. It should not be that hard to find an article on a subject but no it is because Journal Articles are almost all there to try and prove that someone else is wrong not to try and inform the people of what happened or other facts just bullshit. Just this person is wrong I am great for pointing it out with some shit to back it up, but more importantly he is wrong and I pointed it out. I guess if you want to read something about something else you have to read a book or do the work yourself and find the primary documents. But if you did this be prepared for people to say that you interpreted the primary documents wrong and thus you are wrong and I pointed it out so I am great. Yea this is the Intellectual Battle field. Not that much different from anyone else are they. Everyone is just really dumb. Now that I have written this better prepare for battle. Luckily I know the answer is always slash. Actions speak loader than words.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Day in the Life Part 1.

One of my friends does this on his blog and I had a great idea for mine so here it is.
Angle: hey guys its me Angle.
Wolverine(aside): God damn it not him again.
Rogue(aside): Yea he is completely useless. All he can do is fly. Hell I can do that and I have super strength and the ability to steal others powers. I mean come on flight is such a common power its like no one cares.
Wolverine: sorry angle can you come back later we are kind of busy.
Angle: oh a fight I can help.
All: Way to go Angle, Nightcrawler is dead now. Everything was going just fine till you showed up. Seriously what the fuck were you thinking.
Angle: You guys will see I will make my self useful.
Angle: Hey guys what do you think now I have gone Emo. My wings are now made of metal and I can use my feathers as projectiles. That's cool right.
Wolverine: How do you not get it no one cares about you Angle. Seriously if you do not leave I will kill you my self we cannot afford to lose another member of the team because of your incompetence.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Handing out Titles

One thing that I have noticed lately is that they are starting to spread the classic rock title to bands that only criteria is that they have rock music and are 20+ years old. Seriously leave the 90's out of classic rock. It is fine if a band who is formally in the classic rock period is still putting out music and it is being played. This is fine. There is more to classic rock than just it is old rock. It was more of a period thing. When it came out it had its own general keep it there. Alternative is alternative not alternative classic rock. Stop just throwing that title around. The genera is defined stop adding shit to it. If I wanted to listen to alternative rock I would listen to an alternative rock station. I listen to classic rock because that is what I want to hear I stopped caring about alternative rock in the 90s.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Thought about Simplicity

So I got board last night and somehow ended up looking for ed edd n eddy clips and found this one . Just thought it was really funny. Any way just was thinking what happened to the simple time. I do not think that I would ever want to go back to the simple times it is great simply being able to do what ever I want but sometimes simplicity is good. Idk just a thought.

Friday, November 11, 2011

This is LOXODON!

This is the greatest fantasy race ever created. Huge lawful elephants. Some have tried peace others have tried war neither were successful.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Just a Thought

God is a prick, mother nature is a bitch, and luck is a whore. One cannot simply count on any of these to get by on life. If you something done you have to do it or find out how things are done. So you know what GOOD!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fucking ducebags

This world is full of way too many ducebags. Been playing a lot of league lately and I have run into a lot of ducebags. They expect way to much and just yell at people when they do not meet their expectations. The last time this happened i went 7/7/17 and was the second best on the team by the end. It took me some time to get going and this ducebag is like fuck you. When they tried surrender out of spit I refused and eventually we end up winning. These people need to grow up and get a taste of real life. I cannot wait for this to happen to these people. They will get a shit tone of reality in their face and it is going to hurt. Luckily this happened to me early in life while I was in middle school when life was like fuck you everything you know is wrong. This is how I ended up the way I am today. Some people however never get this and they stay ducebags forever. Life just needs to hit people in the face so it will be better for everyone.


Anyone can be a good warlord. All it takes is to know the convention and use it. To be a great warlord you have to use the convention better than everyone else or to come up with a better strategy than the convention and counter it. This is what it takes to truly under stand warlording. The hard part is to convince others that you know what to do.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Out of Place

So I went to Roger Daltrey's preformance of Tommy this night and it was great. He had some problems singing but that is to be expected sense he his in his mid to late 60s. Anyway overall the concert was great. They played Tommy in its entirety and then some of their greatests. The band that was backing him up really carried the show. They were great. Also the opening act was really good, Paul Freeman. Check him out here Anyway on to another point and the title of the blog. I was compleatly out of palce there. There were a few young people there but man was I ever out of place. Anyway that is all I have to say.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The 80s

So for all of the bad shit that came out of the 80s one thing that they did well was movies. From their classics like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Terminator. And their commedies such as Naked Gun and Airplane. The 80s was just a good time for movies. A lot of the rest of the 80s kind of sucked.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

It is always a good day to die

As the title of this post suggests it is always a good day to die. This is because death is the greatest thing that can happen to anyone. So no matter what would have happened to you in the future nothing will compeer to death. This does not mean you should just kill yourself though. This is because killing yourself is to admit defeat and that is just bad form. So just remember whatever you are doing right now is useless. So shut the fuck up already and prepare for your glorious death.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Voodoo Shuffle

My recent computer problems make me think back to the days when video game tech was new and magical. So when something went wrong with your Nintendo everyone had their own voodoo rituals to make it work again. You would blow on the cartridge a certain way and some random # of times. Then you would blow on the inside of the Nintendo. Then you would take the game in and out and then push the power button x # of time. After that who knows what would happen. None of this really solved the problem but it would eventually work. The game would come on and you would be able to play for as long as the power of the ritual lasted. Some times I wish this shit would still work and I could take my computer and like dance around it or something and it would work for x amount of time before I would have to do it again. You can apply the same principles to the rest of the world as well. The more we figured out the less of an adventure life became. The magic of the world left and now all we have is technical bull shit. So I might need to get my frog on a stick to solve some problems in my life here soon.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Ok so I have bad luck when it comes to computers. I just reacently upgraded the graphics card and the monitor on my desk top and it has crashed yet agian. I upgraded the graphics card because that was what was causing the original problem and I upgraded the monitor because my other one was just old and needed to be replaced. This last problem took me a month or two to finily fix and one moth after fixing the problem it crashes agian. This time it looks like I need a new hard drive. Good thing that I own a lap top or my world would be shitty as hell. Similar shit happend to my last computer. Just one thing after another happened untill my motherbord fried. After that I bought my current computer and things are looking bad. So looks like im going to be using my lap top for everything for awhile again.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Post NDK

So I have had the time to think about the experience and so no I feel it is time to write about it. NDK this year was an odd experience. This is not to say bad, just weird. Unlike the normal con experience where the con is great and there is a really hard post con depression things seemed to be the opposite or at least mixed. First off normally the best day, Friday, was were the depression hit the most. It had nothing to do with the actual con. The depression came from real life managing to find its way into the con atmosphere and change it. Venture Brothers panel however rocked. Then there was Saturday. Normally Saturday is the worse of the two days. It is too crowded that you can barley move and the smell has grown almost unbearable. This year however this did not seem to happen. By Saturday this year it seemed as though the depression that brought down Friday had passed and the crowdedness and smell did not seem to be nearly as bad as in past years. Last comes the post con. Usually it hits me very hard. This year, maybe because the mid con depression, it was not that bad. Transition from con to no con did not take that long. All I can say is that hopefully things are still going good next year and I can even make it to the con.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Around the Bend

So NDK 2011 is almost here. This is going to be great. Also I can not wait for the change of the season. Fall is the greates season and you might want to zip up.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Darkness and Classical Music 2

So I tried to go to bed early tonight because I have to force myself to get up early and get my emissions test done. I thought you had to do this every three years or something like that and I could have sworn that I did this last year. That is besides the point of the post. The point is that I could not fall asleep and so I decided to write a post about my thought over the last few days and of tonight while I sit in the dark and listen to classical music.
With the coming of the next and my last semester of college the future does not look good. First off instead of using my time wisely this summer I waisted it away doing nothing. This is because I am a product of the 90's and lack all ambition. Anyways I will be getting a useless degree with I will be able to do little without more schooling. So that is going to suck.
Next I have grown wary of my current employment. The reason being the dumb shit customers that we get. It just feels like if the wrong persons comes in and argues about the stupidest things I am going to snap and lose my job by explaining to them about how they should go and die, while me being the better person than them would graciously welcome death at anytime. We will see what the future hold.
Now fuck Luxury. I hate this sin so much. It defiles the world so much that it has created hell on earth now and multiple times before this. Society is only good if luxury is kept in check. In our current shit hole America (and probably a large part of the world) luxury has run rampant. This creates an soulless and meaningless society. So unless you are a soulless and stupid doucebag. then things will suck for you. The same is true for the or minimal amount of luxury. The difference is that everyone is then to busy not dieing to worry about anything meaningful thus creating the same empty society.
I once said something on the lines of this. I am a wrathful antihero, and compromise is the destruction of the soul. I find this statement be be quite meaning ful to me right now. The thing that brought this up was me dicking in oblivion. I was trying to play through it as an ideal warlord, due to strange events, and after about two days of playing I was like this is dumb. I think that I need to get back to my roots of a righteous wrathful antihero and the consequences be damned.
I am going to try and go to bed now so go fuck yourself.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Ok so once I started playing Taric I have not lost a game with him and have lost every game that I did not play with him. I do not know if it is a sign from the gods, if it just balances out our team so well that we become unbeatable, or if he is just that rigged. I think it might be a combination of all three. If I was not spending all my IP on runes I would by all of three of the tank/support heroes, or at least Taric and Shen because the third costs 6300. We will see what happens. On another note Tryndamare is still a faggot.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


So more than usual I have come to realize that we are monsters and that is how it should be. By we I mean the people that I hang out with. The group of trolls that lurks in the shadows of existence with me. I cannot be good for good will not take me, and I have no care for evil. Chaotic Neutral is where I belong and that is where you will find me. There shall be no rule of society and it is everyone for their selves. I will have none of your civilized tactics nor your evil bullshit (play with them for my amusement). You will be hit hard and fast. Rape what you catch and eat what you kill. I am a brawler not a fighter and to expect anything but weakness form anyone else will bring about your own death. I kind of just started rambling here so I will try close with what I wanted to say bluntly. I am a monster, and fuck society with your elitist views and tact.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


So the debt issues is still being debated and I think I have the best solution, feudalism. Lets bring the F-word back. The United States should issue fiefdoms to billionaires or corporations. This would be hilarious. They can just be like in exchange for billions of dollars and loayalty to the crown you can control a part of the country. As long as they do not go against the crown then they are free to do whatever they want. Yea bring back fuedalism.

Monday, July 18, 2011


It took me a while but I read all of berserk that I know of which is up to chapter 324 and have read the complaints about it. I have to say that overall it is a really good manga. I do understand where the complaints come from and I will give my opinion on the matters. The two main complaints are that the author needs to finish the thing, for it started in 1990, and that some time after the climax he goes in a direction that people do not find fitting to the original plot to the story. The majority of this I agree with. First off it has been going for so long and has out half of what one piece has out. I will agree with most people and say that it probably should be done by now. As for the second complaint I only have agree with what the people are saying. It is like the manga was so well done and had a consistent theme up until shortly after the climax of the story. After that the plot kind of goes weird. But I think he does a good job in explaining why Guts just cannot kill Griffith and thus he gathers some companions and the berserk armor that will surly give Guts the edge needed to win. Now as for the current polt, I agree it could have been handled better. We can only see and hope the plot goes in the right direction after they get to the island and the story will come to the epic conclusion that it needs. Hopefully the story will not be drawn out for to long for I think that will finally rune the manga if it consistently gets filled with bad plot and filler.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Japan won the womens world cup and I am quite pleased my favorite player is Shinobu Ohno #11.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Little of the Old

Latley It seems that I have been fealing a lot of my past in the name of Cas. For those of you that do not know who that is good. It is like once you pledge yourself to an evil diety there is no way to escape it. Anyways it just seems like there has been a lot more spite lately. So you know what... good.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Ok so it seems that idea that running an economic system based on debt was a bad idea. Apparently the government can not guaranty social security checks to be paid. I do not know the exact details and how bad the situation really is, but I hope that everything will finally fall apart. That would be great. All I am going to say is this...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Sins of Gnort

Ok I have been working on this list for a while and I think I got what I want.
The order is from least sinful to most.
1. Douche baggery
2. Cowardice
3. Underhandedness
4. Gluttoth (combination of sloth and gluttony)
5. Vainglory
6. Hubris
7. Luxury
Ok count up your sins and prepare to be executed.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Ok so I have recently gotten back into SC2 and could not figure this game out. So I played a few matches against computers trying to experiment with a few strategies that I did not think they would work. They did not end up working but I ended up figuring out that SC2 comes down to algorithms. It is more about build order than anything else. So I was thinking there has to be an algorithm for defence. Why defence you ask? Well because I am Bernardo heavy armor now get the fuck out of my store.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Order Through Chaos

I believe that I have said it before and I will say it again humanity has lost its way. There are only so many things that humanity is good at and we have strayed from the path. The list is fairly short. Humans are good at war, breeding, and maintaining the resources for necessary for war. That is pretty much it. The problem is humanity removed war from its primary focus and replaced maintaining resources for war and replaced it with resources for luxury. I would have to say the switch finally happened after WWII. But the seeds for the switch were placed sometime during the Roman Empire. So war would take a back seat and bring about order through Luxury. War was no longer about conquest it became about self defense. That is where humanity went wrong. This world does not have nearly enough chaos in it. In order for humanity to be at its prime we need order through chaos. Someone needs to concur the world to bring about what is right

Monday, June 6, 2011

Kore wa zombie desu ka

So I watched Kore wa zombie desu ka and all I can say is WTF. It is a good anime but seriously what the fuck. Really that is all that I wanted to say about this anime so I am going to leave it at that.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Hahahahahahahahahaha fuck you. You think you can do anything you little shit. Try covering your whole body in metal and then wield a mace as big yourself (which is also made of metal) with one arm. I am just going to crush you for your waisted existence. One less useless being on the Earth. GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Defiance vs Father Complex

So I went and say Pirates 4 and then 2 days later Pirates 3 was on TV and I was thinking to myself which of the main chicks characters were hotter. Kira Knightley or Penelope Cruz. Now for those of you that are stupid this is not a question of is Kira Knightley or Penelope Cruz hotter its about the character they played. To begin with this is like comparing two anime chicks. Both of them are hot so you have to compeer their personalities. One of the biggest differences in this case is that Kira Knightley's character is defiant while Penelope Cruz's character has a father complex. So after watching these two movies I thought about it and I would much rather have a relation ship with Kira Knightley's character. People with a father complex are just dumb. Get over it your father does not care for you and because of this they are never able to love anyone else. Now I guess there are lvls of defiance. Feminist defiance is unattractive. Defiance that is just like let me do what I want is fine. Really anyone can do what they put their points into. So as long as they do not believe that they can do things that they obviously can not do then things will be fine. Really stupidity is a big turn off for me and people with father complexes are fucking dumb.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


One thing I learned from a 16 hour drive and the awkward music in the Cowboy BeBop movie is that Music is very important in life. Think if everyone had a sound track to their life and all of the sudden for some reason it changed with someone else's how much would that throw you off. Your life would just be weird until you could fix it. Music can just make something better or worse. If you get worse it just throws me off.


So I was thinking that I might go to NDK as Vicious but it would just be extremely expensive. The cape and wig would cost around $170 and then I would have to go out and buy some nice clothes. Depending on how much that would cost I could see it going up to like $300. But I am sure that I would be able to use the other clothes again but this means that another costume and wig to sit in my room. IDK ill think about it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So summer is here once again and I have a feeling it is going to be long and boring. This means lots of sleep or just staying up late and sleeping late. Right now the only thing I have other than hanging out with friends is retro gaming and random anime or manga that I may or may not have already watched. The problem with that is that is that I have to be in the mood to do those things. Unless something changes looks like things are going to be boring.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fucking JRap

For the love of god stop JRap. Usually when you add J to something it at least makes it better. For instance pop. Normally I would never listen to pop by itself. But as soon as you add J to it and get JPop it is great. Another instance would be rock. I listen to what most people would refer to as classic rock. However I exclude a lot of bands that get included on this list and am very picky about who I listen to on the classic rock list. I do not venture out of that list when it comes to rock except for when it comes to JRock. Once again the J makes normal rock better. That does not mean that it can make everything better however. JRap is horrible and needs to stop before it spreads to far. Rap on its own is horrible. I would rather listen to so many other things than rap. Just because the J-effect works for somethings does not mean it will work for everything. Like i would never want to see Jcountry. That would be just horrible. Please just put an end to JRap before it gets out of control.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


For the longest time I believed that society was black mana. I now believe that society is green mana. So what is core to green. Instinct and evolution or growth. You can tell something is green if its core philosophy is find your place in the world and and once you do enjoy life.

As for the world there is still a chance that it is black mana or at least filled with a lot of it.

My core color would be white. Order, discipline, and morality. However my morality is altered by what I would believe to be as red mana.


Ok so I just watched Firefly over the past few days and it is fucking awesome. I will have to watch the movie. I am not that big of a science fiction fan but this show is tastefully done. It had the right amount of balance that made the show interesting. I think one of its best qualities is that the technology is not out of hand. That in my mind made it a whole lot better. The story line is very well done and the setting is great. Plus like every chick is hot. It is like if you took Cowboy Bebop and something else not quite sure what and fused them together. I would recommend this to anyone who has not seen it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have to comment on this. It seems as though I have a small Malaysian audience. This is great. I do not know how they came across my blog or why they follow me but keep it up and thank you for continued support. In fact you should try and get more people to follow me that would be awesome, that goes for everyone. For besides my friends and the continued hits from Malaysia I do not know if anyone else follows me, the the stats only show so much. But once again thank you and keep it up.


There is nothing more that I would like to do right know than have something on the lines of a reset button. Not something that sets the world back to the beginning. Though funny that may be if everyone was suddenly forced to live without modern convenience. Also do not simply want something like a nuke to go off and just end existence. Though most likely I would be dead but it really does not prove or show anything. Even if I managed to survive it would be thousands of years before the Earth would be inhabitable so it would just be me and who ever else happened to be near by and lived through it until our boring existence ended. No what would be great is if for some reason the system that held everything together all at once vanished like it never existed in the first place. Than one could watch as a new world is shaped and everyone drops the farce that they live and figures out what they need to do in order to survive or they simply die. It would be really fun to live through or be able to be god and just watch the events unfold and the society that would be brought about. What factions would survive. Would people who showed too much kindness make it. If I was ever had the chance to do this I would. I guess that is why I have once been known as the traitor to mortals.

In the End There Is No Cake

So I have compleated Portal 2, only took a day. Still as halarious as the first and had some interesting new twists and a well developed storyline. Overall it was worth the play and I am looking forward to some co-op play.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kenshin 2

Ok finished all of Kenshin and in the end it could have done a lot better. You could probably get away with only watching the second season. That is where you get an actual plot. Other than that the show is Saturday morning cartoon mixed with random short plots that all end up the same way. What I learned was that all of swordsmanship comes down to morality. Good thing that I use blunt weapons and spears. If you have not watched this show and are interested try just watching the second season and if you need to get some of the prequel in the first season. The third season is pretty much useless.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


So there have been a lot of questions brought up about blogging from the people I follow and here is what I have to say. Unless there is a specific point to your blog directed at a task than the way I see it is the only point of a blog is to write down the thoughts that you found important at the time. So unless you actually have a task in mind for your blog then just write about it leave it as it is. There is no right thing to do with a blog it is only what ever you set out for your blog to be. If that is to be nothing but random thoughts then fuck everyone.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Seems that I have a lot of things on my mind again so lets get started. So I was sitting in my useless sociology class today and everyone was worrying about their grades and all I know is that I cannot relate to them. I sit in this class playing games on my computer all class and I have a low A in that class. I do not care if this grade drops lower and I never have tried at anything that I have done in my life. To think that I do not try and I come out with a 3.0 overall GPA and a 3.5 in my major. If I were to actually try at life I wonder what my life would be like. This brings me to my next point. This world is insane. You can try and try but you will never get anything out of this life. Whats going to happen I just give up and live life. What is the point. None of the current existence is appealing. This brings me to my next point. Do I really want to live that long anyways. I cannot find any point in continuing this. That thought makes me think about pipe smoking. Since I do not want to live that long why not pick up the art of pipe smoking.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Komagata, Yumi

We come across yet another crazy hot anime chick. If you do not know she is a compleatly different kind of crazy.

Monday, April 11, 2011


So I decided that I wanted to actually watch all of Kenshin and though It does get better in the second season it is still too Saturday morning cartoonish. They tried to do too many things at once. Half the time they are serious and than the other half is your typical Saturday morning cartoon. I am not that far into the second season and I hope it turns around. And I do not need any excuses to get more of that badass Hiko Seijuro.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


So it feels like I have not posted in a while even though it has only been like a week. That may be because I was quite active in March with six posts compared to the usual two posts a month. And that I have been dwelling on a few things. I think I have a lot to say in this one we will see.

First off I do not understand this world at all or my life within it. It seems like all I am doing is waiting around for the world to do something for me. One of two things should happen either an Apocalypse or someone to declare themselves emperor. This would could really use another Caesar. Someone with enough military and popular support to "Cross the Rubicon" so to say. Just come in and be like the system is obviously not working and I am going to do what I want because I can and fuck all of you. Then the populace is like yea we have no idea what is going on but he provided us with bread and games so I like him. The point is that the current system needs to end for the betterment of the world.

Point number two

As for me I have just kind of been going off of martial classes. Really that seems to be what I have been doing my hole life. Looking at the world for what it is and gathering skills to provide for what ever occasion would come up. For instance while in high school all I did was develop stealth that way I would be in no way involved. This would explain my extremely well rounded stats of pretty much 15 across the board instead of like two 18's and the rest of my stats being useless. I just kind of developed what skills were useful at the time and I think can provide for most of the martial roles. The place that I lack the most is tanking. I do not care for it in the end.

Point number three A more recent development

If all chicks were like anime chicks the world would be a much better place. That is to say that all chicks would be extremely attractive. This would make it so that there would be a lot less competition for women because everyone would be suitable to the eye. This would make it so that all women would be judged purely on their personality making love all the more worth while.

This brings me to my next point Saeko Busujima. Here personality is awesome. If all chicks were like anime chicks this would be the one for me. Yea look at that hottie.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Anylisis of the System

I have been playing a lot of Shogun 2 latley and it got me thinking abot the fantasy class system. That and this reacurring dream where I am on a train and there is this guy doing something increadibly stupic and obnocsious. I end up in the thought process of if only there was some way for me to kill him and then a lance appears in my hand like some kind of supernatural entity wants me to kill him as well. So I end up pircing in the heart. In the end the only thing I can think of is why is the weapon always a lance. Both of these got me to thinking about the system. For those of you that don't know the system it comes down to three types of people Combatants, Specialists formally known as Stealth Classes, and Magic Users. Then you have hybrids who try and do two or three of these ideas at the same time. That is not to say that a paladin is a hybrid. Paladins are primarily combatants they just use magic for the sake of agmenting their combat. A hybrid would be like a cleric. Clerics try to both fight people with weapons and blast people with magical energies. They are trying to do two things at the same time.

The conclution that I ended up at is that both Combatants and Spectialists split into three subcatigories. Combatants can be split into defensive, offensive, and shock troops. Defensive and offensive should be self explanitory. Shock troops are overly offensive. They are more brutal and more there to do damage to the moral of other side than actuall damage to the other side. Spectialists split into assassin, archers, and Riders for lack of a better term. Assassins are there to eliminate a selected target. They go in kill there target or acomplish their task and move on. Archers supply ranged support for the main army focus firing and eliminating targets. They also have low lvl scermishing ability. Riders would be the calvary of the army. They focus on hit and run tactics. Their greatest ability is speed and there job is to herd the people on the outside of the main force and drive them into the combatants. Magic users do not break down because they are all the same. They all bend the world around them to get the results that they want. The differences is the flavor of what they cast and how they gain their power. As for me I like to think of myself as an assassin.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Ok I support all froms of facial hair on men. I guess there actually has to be something there. If it is something like soul patches its like why. If your going to have facial hair do it right. NO BLOOD ELF TRIANGLES!! Anyway here is some influence to help you with the dicision to grow facial hair.

Yea there is no question grow some facial hair.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day Light Savings

Ok day light savings is another archaic practice that needs to stop. I see no current practical application for this practice. Honestly can anyone tell me why we still do this. what should happen is that we should meet this itiodic practace in the middle and set the clocks a head 30 mins or back 30 mins depending on which part of the cycle we are on and keep it that way for the rest of time. All we do is fool ourselves in thinking that we eather gain or losse an hour of the day. Seriously stop this archaic practice. Instead of everyone rejoicing when we gain an hour or complaining when we loss an hour we should just stop the noncense. Why can't people see that in the end it equals nothing. Everything about time is an illusion that we make up. Its like at this point it is just a joke that got old a long time ago. So lets stop this noncense it has gone on long enough.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


As a historian I know that it is foolish to think that you can choose a better time to live. The idea is that the best time to live would be one where the standard of living is the highest for the greatest number of people. To live in an era where the majority of people are poor peasant farmers are horrible living conditions. Unless of course you get off on that. The truth usually is that the best time to be living is the present. No one wants to believe this. People always think that there is a better time to live. What they tend to overlook is the condition of the common person. For this is your highest chance of what you would be if you were to some how find yourself transported into the past. Only the few would be lucky enough to be someone important.

All of this is brought about a current state disillusionment. It just seems like I'm living here for no reason and that I'm missing something or missed something in my life. All of my life seems to be nothing more than me waiting around for death with few goals. Is living a life of mild comfort and enjoying the company of trusted companions really that bad. It jsut seems like I do not fit well in the current world. That I should have been born some other time or some other place. When I started this post I had a better understanding of what I wanted to say but it looks like I lost my train of thought so I'm going to end it here.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Ok so why is society still so obsessed with the morning. I understand where the practace comes from. People only had so much daylight to work with and could not do much without it. In the modern world why is it still this way. Get out of the dark ages we have electicity. The business world should begin around noon and end at like eight. This will make things a lot better for everyone. All that would be requried would be for people to change their way of life. Even if they did not they could still get up at the crack of dawn and enjoy their morning instead of rushing to work and waisting their day. Then people could also enjoy the night instead of having to go to bed at like ten. All the system creates is a division between the young and the old it does not really help anyone. The old go to bed earlie and get more sleep while the young stay up while the old are assleep and then they dont get as much sleep as the old and spend half the day half asleep. Then everyone gets mad when they spend half of their weekend sleeping. Who knows how things will change or if they will.

Lack of Sleep

Due to unforeseen circumstances at work I ended up getting five hours of sleep last night and it is three in the morning and I am not tired. There are a few reasons like I feel like I should go to bed. One, I have nothing better to do. The second society demands that I work on some kind of normality with the rest of them. This normaity being awake during some part of the morning and going to bed at night. The last one would be that it is good to have some kind of sleep scedual and mine tends twoard two in the morning +/- two hours and weaking up around noon. The thing is they say that the lack of sleep can drive a person insane. With my thought process as of late this could very well be true. The question is am I insane or is that just the ideas pushed on my thoughts threw society. Now what does it matter what society believes. Can they determine what is apporpriate human behavior. I say no they cannot. The only thing society does is protect the week. Plus the society that I live in I would not even call cognitive. Most of society is the equvalant of a mindless undead just roming around searching for the nearest source of pleasure in this hell. So when it comes to what society thinks well fuck them. The unwased masses are just lucky that there are enought of them to make a difference in this world.

Anyways there are probably two definittions of insanity. One being that of a danger to onself and or others. In that case I could be considered insane or have the capacity to become insane if I were to give up. but lets face it is there anyone out there to be considered others. The second would be Mental instability. This I do not think would fit. I think that society may be able to place a lable of insanity on me but that is because I am not a mindless undead. The fact is that I have the ability to see and thus able to view the world in its true colors. I would not call it a state of mental instabliity rather just a realization that is different than the main stream thought. Any ways like I said before it would be a good idea for me to go to bed for the sake of my sanity.

O children of the Night.
Who among you will run with the hunt?
Now night arrives with her puple legion.
Retire now to your tents and to your dreams.

Monday, February 28, 2011

I am the Lizard King

Once i had a little game.
I liked to crawl back into my brain.
I think you know the game I mean.
I mean the game called go insane.
Now you should try this little game.
Just close your eyes and forget your name.
Forget the world forget the people.
And we'll erect a different steeple.
This little game is fun to do.
Just close your eyes no way to lose.
And I'm right there I'm going too.
Release control we're breaking thru.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Ok so i have rewatched Gurren Lagann and here are some of my favorite one liners from the character that i would be.
To think that I had to resort to my swords.
A rocks a rock its not a fist.
Human wisdom has its moments. (said ironicaly)
The weaker the bird the shriller the squawking.
This sucks to think this is how im going to witness your death.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


This is a word that has been used to describe the situation as of late and I would say a fitting word to describe the group and situation. Though they are insane everything seems to be where it should be. The majority of this comes from everyone being back on our old server Balnazzar. That is where everything seems to have started and seems like where everything will come to an end. Not going to lie Anub'arak was just not feeling right. There is just an overall I hate you feeling on Balnazzar that was not there on Anub'arak along with from what I have seen and remember a stable economy. It also feels great to bring back the glory of Gnort and back into the right role of assassin. Not only that but hopefully there will be a rise of Uethrev and a fleshsack. All of the "insanity" feels right and everyone seems to be where they should. Just hope everything will continue.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I ask and nothing comes back.
I look around and nothing is there.
Just silence and darkness.

Monday, January 24, 2011

DnD test

Ok so I took that DnD test and here are the results

Str-13, Dex-15, Con-15, Int-15, Wis-15, Cha-11.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Human
Primary Class: Ranger
Secondary Class: Sorcerer
So in the end the biggest thing is that I hate society.
Surprisingly I was not very evil at all.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bathroom Education

So school has started again and I had some observations.
1. People are really dumb. this goes with out explanation but it just was more noticeable while I was down there.

2. American society can be described on the walls of a bathroom stall. Seriously go to a public bathroom stall and read the walls, you will find everything needed to sum up American society. So I asked the question what have I seen in bathroom stalls that summsup American society from reading the bathroom stalls. Religious fanatics/atheist. Alll it takes is for some one to right a simple sentance about how god sucks or something on the lines of that and you will get a paragraph response all in the same handwriting and color ink of why that person was wrong and then a bunch of other people arguing over who is right. It does not take much for someone to get pissed off. In a mater of fact that seems to be the goal of some people. I saw today someone who wrote something on the lines of you all suck and it generated the same response as bringing up god. Are people that dumb that some dude writing on the craper walls puts them in a blinding rage. The answer is yes. The next thing that is common is advertisements for blow jobs for questanable sources and people, both male and female. I want to meet the people who are calling theses numbers on the bathroom wall. More common things is the famous hipster quote. This is when a hipster will leave a quote that either everyone knows or is meaningless. What is the point of this. Fucking hipsters. To sum it up America is about religous fanaticism, violence, sex, and dumb idiots referancing for the sake of referancing something. Serously wtf.

As you can see everyone is stupid and all it makes me want to do is kill people. But yet there are laws protecting these people and thus stopping me from doing what needs to be done. Which is why all it seems that I am doing is waisting time untill the apacolypse or death.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

In the Positives

Ok so just watched Basilisk and only four people end up in the positives. So here are the rankings. Have to keep in mind that everyone dies.

The people that end up in the positives are:
#1 Tenzen with 3 kills
#2 and 3 Kagerou and Gyoubu with 2 kills
#4 Saemon with 1 kill and three assists.

The people who end up even with 1 kill
#5 Nenki who also gets and assist
Hyouma, Okoi, Danjo, Koshiro, Jingoro, Hotaurbi, Ogen.

Then the people who got no kills
One assist:
Akeginu, Gennosuke
Jousuke, Jubei, Shogen, Rousai, Yashamaru
and the worst one was Oboro with one team kill.